Lightning Network~$5 USD

Origin - Dan Brown

Download The Two Versions (English and Spanish).

WHERE WE COME FROM? WHERE WE GO? Robert Langdon, professor of religious symbology and iconography at Harvard University, goes to the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao to attend a momentous announcement that "will change the face of science forever." The evening's host is Edmond Kirsch, a young billionaire whose visionary technological inventions and bold predictions have made him a world-renowned figure. Kirsch, one of Langdon's most brilliant students years ago, is about to reveal an extraordinary discovery that will answer the two questions that have haunted humanity since the beginning of time. Shortly after the presentation begins, meticulously orchestrated by, Edmond Kirsch and museum director Ambra Vidal, chaos breaks out to the astonishment of hundreds of guests and millions of viewers around the world. Faced with the imminent threat that the valuable find will be lost forever, Langdon and Ambra must desperately flee to Barcelona and start a race against time to locate the cryptic password that will give them access to Kirsch's revolutionary secret. Following a trail of clues made up of hidden symbols in literary works and modern art, they will have a few hours to try to unravel Kirsch's fascinating investigation... and his startling revelation about the origin and destiny of Humanity.